Many people will say you need to have a lot of megapixels and many will say it doesn't matter. The best way to decide how many megapixels you need is to think, what are you going to use the photos for? If you are going to take photos and print them out at huge sizes, then the more megapixels the better- there will be more detail in the print. If you are going to walk around and take lots of great photos, but only ever leave them on your computer or print out postcard sizes, then you don't need so many.
Say, you have a camera that is 8 megapixels, then the company who made your camera supersedes yours with a 10 megapixel model. Should this make you want to upgrade? Nup. There are plenty reasons why you might want to upgrade a camera, but unless you need more detail, for larger sizes, megapixels probably isn't the reason why you would.
This was a very brief explanation of megapixels, but please comment and discuss your own ideas below! I wanna know what you think...
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